
Hooked on True Blood

Wonder why I’ve been partially MIA with the blogging? Here’s me admitting I got hooked up on True Blood. I just recently started watching and I’ve been spending most of my free time trying to catch up. I’m actually near the end of Season 1 but yes, having little free time as it was, I’m basically booked up for the day from the moment I wake up. Summer’s going good though, I’m taking things easily and relaxed.

I’m taking a whole-day trip to the nearby mountain tomorrow and should be back in time to watch the Euro 2012 Final – Spain vs. Italy. I’m rooting for Italy, just so you know! 😉

But yes, if I’m MIA some more these days, you don’t have to worry!

P.S. One should mention by the way, that True Blood should have less sex scenes and more creepy vampire ones! Though I’m hoping that’s coming up in the next seasons I have yet to see.

Summer Perks

Sorry for the bad quality, cellphone photos again. 🙂

The first one is the shiny roses we have in the garden, they’re amazingly beautiful – the photo just doesn’t do them justice. The second is what I’m treating myself with at the moment – Dostoevsky’s The Gambler and a cup of coffee. The last one is what I have for when I feel like having snacks; small yellow pears and lots of cherries. Life is good. 😀

Life in Colors


Image courtesy of romuloassis on tumblr; thanks to Andreza on weheartit;

Unleash your imagination and you can turn your summer or even your whole life into a wonderful mixture of beautiful colors. Keep on fighting and never give up even if it’s truly hard – it will all be worth it in the end. 🙂

Summer, here I come!

Yosh, after what seemed like the longest year I’m finally done with university. Two years left to go, but you know, a well deserved summer break awaits before another year. And what does that break include? Well, my list currently consists of:

  • Leave campus and head home;
  • Have fun;
  • Catch up on all the TV shows I’ve missed out;
  • Eat lots of ice-cream;
  • Catch up on reading because I’m way behind;
  • Have more fun;
  • Pick a week where I’ll cut off all communication (internet, cellphone, etc.) and just relax;
  • Do some quality writing as I haven’t done that in a while;
  • Take photos more often;
  • Have even more fun.

Yep, it looks like a lazy list but that’s because it IS a lazy list. When you get fed up on life it’s best to take a break and devote some time to yourself rather than get to a point of craziness. Life is wonderful, but only if you enjoy it – no amount of money or fame can provide you that. Not even people. Food can, somewhat, especially sweets, but you know that has a side effect that you won’t like later on.

The only thing that makes me sad is that most of my shows are gone at least till the Fall. But I do have yet to catch up on True Blood, Community, and Modern Family. I guess that will do for now. Take whatever you can, carpe diem, and all that jazz. 😛

But even if I end up short on shows I can always pick up a video game or add a few more books to my list, spend more time writing, or simply enjoy the breeze of wind under the shadow of a huge tree. I could do anything, really, that doesn’t look or feel like the dreadful thing that is work and . So Summer, beware – I have plans for you, big plans with lots of fun, and don’t think your high temperatures will stop me.

And you too, dear reader, give yourself a pat on the back if you’ve survived the year – get some well deserved rest. It doesn’t need to be a luxury vacation in another country, improvisation is one of your best friends. 😉