
The Clock Ticks Life Away

anniversary-1xTwo weeks ago, on the 1st of June, WordPress was kind enough to remind me that it has been two years since I registered with this account. Granted, I didn’t start blogging right away, mostly because back then I was unsure of the direction I want to steer my blog toward. Not that I am putting all my attention to a single element nowadays, but hopefully my writing is focused on fewer interests. And I most definitely did not keep up with my writing throughout those two years, there were frequent monthly breaks and one dark period of a long, six-month absence. But as much as our past is nowhere near perfect, sometimes we need to revisit it in order to move to the future, take a step back so we can jump forward.

I noticed one of my first ever posts getting attention lately, an old Harry Potter fan-fiction piece that was probably shared somewhere, and for a moment there I considered deleting it or fully rewriting it. It’s ridiculously short, poorly written, and overall it seems like I had put no thought to it when I wrote it. To sum it up, it’s an embarrassment. On the other hand, it shows just how much things have changed over a time span of two years — it made me feel better about some recent written works (which I have not shared here, not yet at least). There is just as good as there is bad in every experience that we go through, regardless of how we feel about certain things from the past they all contribute to who we are. At the end of the day we’re just a collection of short stories, books whose pages are filled with the tales of our lives. For a few of us, those stories may live on forever, should someone somewhere decide they’re of great importance. For the rest of us, those stories will eventually be forgotten. They’ll still be there, no one can take away your past, for better or for worse, but they won’t be the topic of discussion among our successors.

One could say that ultimately it’s all down to perception and attitude, since they would define whether whoever takes a peek in our life sees the good or the bad in our past. Would someone who reads that specific fan-fiction piece think of how bad a writer I have been, or think or how much my writing has improved since then? I do not believe leaving a note of any kind would lead the reader toward the good side of it, you can give directions to anyone but they can choose to ignore them, they might believe you’re trying to trick them and will go elsewhere instead, or they might go in the opposite direction just to spite you. You can try though, and you can hope. You can always try and hope for the better even if everything seems to be going bad. It might not be much, but often it’s the best you can do.

If I could, I’d list the changes that have taken place during this two-year period, but I honestly would not even know where to start from and it would be too big of a list. Lots of memories, lots of wasted time, lots of shared moments, lots of loneliness, lots of happiness, lots of sadness, lots of rewarding times, lots of painful moments — lots of this, yet lots of that. When you’re going on with your everyday business it seems like time is literally crawling, I’ve caught myself hoping time could move faster whenever I’m busy with work. Yet when I look back I wish time didn’t fly so fast, I wish there was a way we could turn time back. The idea is not to relive everything, but to go through those years with my current state of mind, so unfortunately unless someone has a time machine they’re not sharing with the rest of us, the truth is it isn’t going to happen.

What we can do instead, is take a glance at the stories from our past sometimes and remember who we were and how we got here. Remember what we’ve been through, remember the good and the bad times, and find a way to avoid making the same mistakes. Find a way to improve our lives because we owe ourselves that much. We owe it to who we were to put the effort of making our stories in the future greater than the ones our past tells. One way or the other, the clock is ticking. But time doesn’t matter, we are not slaves of some grand clockwork design. It’s all about the stories and making the new ones better than the old ones.

Happy belated two-year anniversary to the Phantom Child, I guess. Hopefully some better writing pieces of mine in the future will overshadow the bad ones from my past. I’ve found a plethora of fantastic blogs to follow here, I only wish I could read every single post you folks have shared and find a way for my blog’s content to match the greatness of yours. I’ve made quite a few friends through this blog, and a golden rule says never disappoint your friends. Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend!

Blog Issues

I think it’s about time I accepted the fact that I’d never be happy with my blog’s theme. I’ve changed it at least 5 times during the time I’ve had the blog, and have tried out pretty much every possible option out there. Not a lot to work with, especially in the Free department as you’re limited with the customizing.

But, I at least managed to get something a bit fresher going than that dark muddy one I was using up till now. I also added a few pages at the top of the site, and in addition, edited out the widgets/menus on the right side and following Rosy’s example I added a Blog Randomizer (you click it and it shows you a random post of mine). Feel free to visit Rosy over at:

The randomizer on my blog hides behind the following image, which is courtesy of Rarasaur, and you may visit their post if you’re interested in creating your own blog post randomizer:


You’ll notice my Tardis image on the right side along with the rest of the widgets/menus.

Based on the tags world cloud I also added, my most common writing topics include: life, photography, True Blood, and TV Shows. Though closely followed by fun, summer, and photos, so that’s saying something. I must have been enjoying my summer too much and bothering you with photos.

Either way, my blog might be a bit more alive today than ever, but it’s still ridiculously late here so I’m headed to bed. See you all in the morning!

Versatile, aren’t we?

Earlier this week I received a ‘Versatile Blogger Award’ nomination from True Mister Six, which I must say I did not expect at all. Thank you so much, it’s greatly appreciated! And everyone feel free to jump over to his blog and check it out, especially if you’re a TV/movie/comic/gaming geek – you’ll love his posts!

Apparently it goes along with some rules so I’m going to present all that now.

Versatile Blogger Award

  1. In a post on your blog, nominate 10 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award; and link to their blog.
  2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  4. In the same post, share 10 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

I guess I still need to do some of that! So, below is my list of 7 nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award. Yes, 7, because I love that number and because I have yet to get deep with other blogs. Some of you make me smile, some of you motivate me to do work, some of you are there for me when I need support, but you’re all just amazing bloggers. Many others are, I just haven’t followed them that well yet.

I’ll let you folks decide whether or not you want to continue this chain-award idea. I’m well aware some of you don’t do these blog awards and I’m totally fine with that. All I care about is giving you the recognition for keeping me occupied and entertained with your blogs!

Now, let us see. 10 random pieces of information about me:

  1. My favorite childhood TV Show is Charmed (I know, old).
  2. I’m currently wearing 100% blue clothes (a simple t-shirt and shorts).
  3. I’m 20 years old.
  4. I had my eyesight check this morning, and surprisingly I guessed the diopter prescription right.
  5. My favorite colors are black and purple.
  6. I’ve always preferred the dark, creepy, and cruel versions of fairytales rather than the Disney (or happily-ever-after) ones.
  7. I have kept my hair short and haven’t let it grow back long for over 5 years now simply because I find it as a burden to take care of it everyday when it’s long.
  8. I’m really bad at remembering names, whether it’s movies or people we’re talking about.
  9. I’ve always hated History. Not old, vintage things or stories, just history as a subject in school.
  10. I’m in love with spreadsheets. Whatever needs organizing, whether with Excel or Google Docs, I would get all psyched over it.

I think that’s it? Yep yep, I’m off to notify people of their award and then catch up some more with True Blood. S02E05 – Never Let Me Go is next on the list!

My First Blogging Award!

I woke up this morning with some exciting news – I got my first blogger award, from

Rosy is a fantastic blogger and it’s truly an honor to get this from her just a week after I stated blogging. Make sure to check out her blog, I promise you won’t regret it! She was one of the first people I followed after I joined. 😀 Thanks again, Rosy!

And I guess it’s now my turn to pass this along.  I decided to nominate 8 people, as I’m obviously still brand new to all this and haven’t really gotten around to knowing many people yet. Although it’s still not that easy to pick, with how many awesome people there are.

The Versatile Blogger:

Dee Dee @

Kolby @

Vicky @

Brendan @

Jill of all trades @

Jamie @

Kloi-Jayd @

Dances With Sweaters @

Thank you all for brightening my life on a daily basis. Feel free to check them out at your own risk – I am not responsible if you get hooked up. 😉