Versatile, aren’t we?

Earlier this week I received a ‘Versatile Blogger Award’ nomination from True Mister Six, which I must say I did not expect at all. Thank you so much, it’s greatly appreciated! And everyone feel free to jump over to his blog and check it out, especially if you’re a TV/movie/comic/gaming geek – you’ll love his posts!

Apparently it goes along with some rules so I’m going to present all that now.

Versatile Blogger Award

  1. In a post on your blog, nominate 10 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award; and link to their blog.
  2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  4. In the same post, share 10 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

I guess I still need to do some of that! So, below is my list of 7 nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award. Yes, 7, because I love that number and because I have yet to get deep with other blogs. Some of you make me smile, some of you motivate me to do work, some of you are there for me when I need support, but you’re all just amazing bloggers. Many others are, I just haven’t followed them that well yet.

I’ll let you folks decide whether or not you want to continue this chain-award idea. I’m well aware some of you don’t do these blog awards and I’m totally fine with that. All I care about is giving you the recognition for keeping me occupied and entertained with your blogs!

Now, let us see. 10 random pieces of information about me:

  1. My favorite childhood TV Show is Charmed (I know, old).
  2. I’m currently wearing 100% blue clothes (a simple t-shirt and shorts).
  3. I’m 20 years old.
  4. I had my eyesight check this morning, and surprisingly I guessed the diopter prescription right.
  5. My favorite colors are black and purple.
  6. I’ve always preferred the dark, creepy, and cruel versions of fairytales rather than the Disney (or happily-ever-after) ones.
  7. I have kept my hair short and haven’t let it grow back long for over 5 years now simply because I find it as a burden to take care of it everyday when it’s long.
  8. I’m really bad at remembering names, whether it’s movies or people we’re talking about.
  9. I’ve always hated History. Not old, vintage things or stories, just history as a subject in school.
  10. I’m in love with spreadsheets. Whatever needs organizing, whether with Excel or Google Docs, I would get all psyched over it.

I think that’s it? Yep yep, I’m off to notify people of their award and then catch up some more with True Blood. S02E05 – Never Let Me Go is next on the list!


  1. You are welcome my man – any fan of Game of Thrones is a pal of mine.

    A couple of things about your personal facts;

    I too am currently wearing a blue t-shirt and blue shorts – weird!
    Disney may not be dark enough for ya; but how do you feel about the tunes? I love me some animated Disney soundtrack, it’s a guilty pleasure!
    Charmed!?! You big girl – give me Buffy any day! πŸ˜‰

    Anyway; keep blogging honest & heartfelt my man – and keep posting your cool photos too, I like them.


    1. I never say no to some good Disney tunes! I don’t mind their newer animations with Pixar too, I actually like most of them, I’m just not a fan of happy endings.

      Hah, I’m pretty sure by now that I am the only person in the world who hasn’t watched Buffy. It might be the fact that they didn’t air it here, but yeah, I missed that train. I still might check it out at some point though, I don’t give up that easily. πŸ˜‰


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